Wednesday 8 February 2012

Masthead Ideas

Here is all the different type of mastheads ideas for my music magazine. I used all different type of colours,fonts,sizes and background colour, the reason for this was to try and get a better idea of what sort of mastehead I wanted and also what background I wanted. After doing all this different type of fonts and also with my research I done on similar music magazine, I decided to use a plain white background behind the text.

Final Masthead:

I decided to go with this masthead because I liked the gradient on the lettering as I think it still stands out and looks good. I think the colours red and black goes well with my type of music and layout of magazine, same with the style of the writing. I also decided to go with this because it's very similar to the research that I carried out. I look on the 'VIBE' layout and one magazine had the same mastehead.

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