Wednesday 7 December 2011

This week in media:7th December

What did we do in this week's lesson:
This week in media I had to finish off and improve my post 16 news magazine front and contents page. I had to make any last minute improvements to it, add any extra things that I felt I need to improve in order to get the best possible magazine.
Why was this lesson helpful?
I felt this lesson was helpful because this was the last lesson to make the magazine the best it can be because it was the last chance I would get before I had to present to my class and give them feedback on what I did and why I did it.
The improvements made:
The improvements that I actually made to my magazine was how the writing was laid out on the contents page and what colour it would have around the writing. I also change the background colour to navy blue as I wanted to firstly make it more 'Harris Academy Beckenham' theme and as well make it match the front cover more as I wasn't quite happy with the link between the two as I felt they was too different.

My last Front Cover and Contents page:

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