Friday 27 January 2012

Media Studies Timeline

7th January 2012: Done research for my music magazine and start to make a PowerPoint to present to my class
18th January 2012: I presented to my class what I will be making my music magazine on and what research I did.
20th January 2012: Put my presentation on my blog
25th January 2012: Start to get organised with my work and start planning for my magazine
27th January 2012: Start to take at least 5 photos for my music magazine (Jerome)
30th January 2012: improve my skills on In-Design
1st February 2012: Practice make of my music magazine

·        Model(Jerome)
·        Music Headphones(dr beats)
·        Camera
·        Music studio
·        CD’s?

Camera Shooting:
I will be using my model (Jerome) with his head phones on his head posing seriously (my research shows my genre magazine uses this) I will make him pose like his just done an important interview.

Front Cover:
The colours that I will be using will most likely be red and black but with a plain white background to make the image and the text stands out. I will have the image in the middle of the page so it stands out with the masthead behind the images head. I will have the key features text slightly bigger than the rest of the text like mini sub headings.

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