Monday 12 March 2012

Final Front Cover,Contents Page and Double Page Spread

Front Cover:

My front cover has changed quite a lot over the course of the task, as a result of all the feedback I got from my fellow class mates and teachers. My last minute changes that I made to my front cover before my presentation to the class was really small changes that my feedback was given to me like the text font of the masthead. Personally think that this was the most stressful part to make during the task because you had to get this right before moving on to the contents and double page spread.

What went well when making front cover?

The things that I think I did well on my front cover was the colour scheme that I used, the reason why I think that went well was because it matched my music genre and my research. The other areas that I thought I did well on was the way I improved my front cover over the course of the task as the result of the feedback I received.
What went badly over the course of making my magazine?
The things that I felt went badly over the task was the images that I took for my front cover at the start I felt that the first image I had didn’t work and the quality of the image wasn’t good enough, so I got a new image which worked better. The colour of the background also went bad for me because I wasn’t sure what colour went best, as I started off with a plain white then was told it was too boring and plain so then went on to black, but then the feedback given was that it wasn’t common enough for a music magazine. So I done further research from vibe magazine and come up with a background gradient of black and white.

Contents Page:

Likewise with my front cover, my contents page has been improved and changed over the course of the task. I changed the contents page as the feedback I got from students and teachers. I also had to change it to match up to the front cover because that was being changed all the time. The changes that I made to the contents were big because I felt the previous versions of the contents page wasn’t professional enough to be put into a music magazine.
What went well when making Contents page?
The things that went well during the making of my contents page was how I listened and took in the advice that was given to me, so I felt because I done this and looked more into research it helped me developed the contents page from my first draft to my final piece. Another things that I thought went well the colour scheme matched the front cover and the images I used followed what I used on the front cover.
Double Page Spread:
My double page spread was quite a challenge for me because they were a lot of things I done wrong when I first start making the double page spread like for an example all my text were not in columns. With this I got a lot of feedback from my teacher on this because they were a lot of things that could be improved, so I got help from other people and research further into Double page spread from professional magazine.

What went well when making my Double Page Spread?
The things that went well when I was making my Double Page Spread was how I looked at the typical codes and conventions that used on Double Page Spread's however I developed them into my own type and made it look different, I think that went well because even though it's like a typical double page spread its different from other magazine's double page spread's.

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