Thursday, 17 November 2011

This Week in Media

This week in media:
This week week in media I had to do a preleminary task which I have been learning to use in-design as I need to develop my skills on the software in order to complete media coursework . I had to create a school magazine for Harris Academy Beckenham which i decided to do my magazine on Art at the school.
I had to learn to use and understand how all the different tools on In-design are used and why they are used to make a magazine front cover. I got learned this by my teacher Ms Norville as well as Mr Wallis who has pasted experience in working on in-design

What I learned?
The things that I learned this week as a result of doing this task is using the program In-Design where I learned the different effects that can be used on In-Design and what can be used best when creating the magazine like the colours with the background.

My first attempt can be seen below:

First Attempted

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Making my own magazine 'Read Me'

The magazine that we did in a group, we had to do research on a female magazine and then make up our own type of magazine and it had to be called 'Read Me' We had to try and use what we learned in class to appeal to the target audience that we was given and the whole point in this task we to see what we learned and what we already knew as well as trying to get used to the new software that we going to have to use which is In-Design.

What I learned:
This week I learned more about the layout of a magazine and how much it can affect the target audience. I learned that certain colours used can influence the audience to buy it as it draws them in. This week we had to create a magzine for girls, So we had to think about what we learned in class and what we already knew and also the examples to create a girls magazine called 'Read Me'.

As you can see we used colours like purple,pink and white as well as using female celebrities to try and draw in the audience as they may want to see the lastest gossip on theses female celebrities and we also use the lastest program happening at the time which was 'Towie' . We mad a descision as a group to use these colours because we felt as a group it be the best colours to draw in the target audience that we was aiming for.